
Life without afterlife and the China Tea Pot Theory

Posted by Mohammed Nazari on Tuesday, January 27, 2015 Under: Logic First - Emotion Third

Life without afterlife and the China Tea Pot Theory

Author: Mohammed Nazari


Some time ago I was talking to a friend of mine who is rather spiritual. When talking about the existence versus no existence of afterlife (heaven and hell), she said there must be an afterlife otherwise what is the purpose of all this. Even to fathom the idea of no afterlife sounded scary and made her whole life meaningless to her.

Then I asked her the following question:
What would happen if tomorrow all people on earth decide to stop doing bad things and all be good? Stop eating unhealthy food such as fast food, drink less or no alcohol, stop smoking, not steal or commit fraud, do no crimes, and so on.

I believe we all agree that the above mentioned changes would be very good. However if all of the above changes happened at once, it would cause chaos. It would be a huge shock to the whole system. A lot of people working in the fast food industry would lose their jobs, hospitals would have less sick people with diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and cholesterol, cancer. As a result pharmaceutical companies would take a big hit. All other healthcare industries would be affected. There would be less work for the police, judicial and prison systems. Liquor stores and tobacco companies would go bankrupt, and so on. We would enter into a financial crisis and more.

The reality is that although all these changes are great, when applied all at once it would cause a temporary hit on the system until things got re adjusted and work fine again.

Now, imagine if suddenly we question the existence of the afterlife?

We were born and raised and told that life has a purpose and is somehow connected to the afterlife.  Afterlife is intertwined in all our value systems and the reasoning and purpose we do things. Now believing in no afterlife would be a shock to our system. The same way as the example above, if all people change and start doing good all at once.

The question is:
Do you want to make the same mistakes for the sake of "Current Peace", or dare to come back to reality for the sake of "Better Tomorrow"?

Regardless of how we feel and what we imagine "reality will remain the same". While I am not denying the existence of the afterlife, I have no proof for its existence. The same way that I have no proof denying the existence of the China Tea Pot flying somewhere in space, the same as I have no evidence of it being out there, "China Tea Pot theory". However I choose to believe in "reality" to the extent that I know it, no more no less, and not "imagining" something because that makes me feel better, for the moment.
Please watch this short video
Bertrand Russell's Teapot: The Skeptic's View on the Supernatural

The funny thing is that different religions, their sects, and even each individual has a different belief  to what afterlife is. In other words everyone can make up their own afterlife and start believing in it.

Do you have an imaginary afterlife:)

Belief is powerful, regardless of believing in reality or myths and imagination. The problem is believing in myths and imagination, only results in mythical and imaginary success.



In : Logic First - Emotion Third 

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A Personal Journey (Speech)

Author: Mohammed Nazari

Please find the link to the YouTube videos below

Part 1:

                               Part 2:

  •  It is amazing, when you have a big "goal" in mind, most other big "problems" look like small "challenges"       
  • Education in Canada is more practical than in the east which is more theoretical. After all you can find the theory in books or online, without needing to go to school.

Reasons for my failure as an employee:

1. Higher Canadian standards and sensitivity level  

2. My defensive behavior    

  •  Blaming  your behavior or action does not mean blaming you as a person
  • One for all, All for one

3. Inability to be honest with my own feelings  

  • Pride that has no basis, doesn't allow you to be honest.

4.  Canadian are too polite to be honest   

  •  If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything
  • Read between the lines


  •  Knowledge of higher/different Canadian standards and simply following versus questioning them
  •  Longer orientation
  •  Welcoming comments and asking for further explanation versus defending our self
  • Being honest with our feelings and abilities:

o   Acknowledging your weakness is a sign of honesty and makes you stronger.

  • Asking versus commenting:

o   Don't assume, ask question

o   Don't comment, ask question

o   Don't judge, ask question

o   When in doubt, ask question

o   When you think you know, ask questions to clarify

o Comments are not welcome, questions are

ยท         What kind of question?

1. Open ended and unbiased questions

2. Yes-No questions to clarify

When you have a car problem whom you ask for help? your Doctor, mother or mechanic.

Although this question seems silly, we make this mistake all the time, asking a professional question from people outside of that profession and building opinions.

  • Ask questions from the right person(s). The ones with proven success.


You will learn more from the successful people who can show you how to succeed.

Unsuccessful people can show you how not to fail the way they did.

 While the pathways to success are few, there are multiple pathways to fail.

Which one is easier and more effective to learn?

 Uncle Google and my cousin YouTube can help you with any questions.

Starting my own business

  •  In order to have a good society/business, good structure is more important than good people.
  •  The main sources of work/interpersonal problems are: communication and expectations.
  •  Interpersonal skills are not just talking nicely but much more importantly is to follow a structure and    framework, even if it is not the best structure.
  • Having a poor structure is better than having no structure

I would I would recommend that you ask my uncle and cousin, Google and YouTube, about the following:


  • Active listening
  •  Critical thinking
  • Yes-No question
  • Open ended question
  • how to be honest with oneself


After all My success and happiness depends on your success and happiness.

Let us make life better for all of us.